Endeavour Group recognised in top five ASX-listed companies to close gender pay gap

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Achieving equity in the workplace is something we strive for and we are proud to have been recognised in the inaugural Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s (WGEA) Employer Gender Pay Gaps Snapshot.

The report looks to publish median gaps for base pay and total remuneration, for more than 5,000 companies with more than 100 employees.

Endeavour Group’s Chief People Officer Alison Merner said: ”Our median total remuneration pay gap is 0.7%, which places us within the top five ASX-listed companies to fall close to gender pay parity.” 

“We are a business that thrives on inclusion, and this recognition provides a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the energy, ideas and drive that talented women bring to our business at all levels.

“Gender balance in leadership roles is also one of our priorities. In F23, we became a signatory to the 40:40 Vision, an initiative led by HESTA and supported by industry partners that strive for diversity in executive leadership in ASX 300 companies. 

“Women hold 43.5% of senior management positions at Endeavour, up 2.5% since our full-year results report six months ago as a reflection of our focus on our female talent pipeline.”


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